Oh my…

Is anyone still reading??

I feel like such a slacker for not posting since December 7th! But trust me, things have been quite busy. My husband and I are closing on our first house at the end of February, so that has been consuming much of our time lately!!

Here at school, we have been busy studying electricity. The students experimented with light bulbs, batteries, and wires today to create series and parallel circuits. They had a blast and were all successful – expect pictures later!

We have also been discussing biographies. We are currently reading a biography of Thomas Edison as a young child, so we talked about features of a biographies and used other examples to locate and identify these features.

Today, the students presented their “How To” essays. Each student wrote an essay on how to do something, such as make an ice cream sundae, play Pound Tag, or draw a caricature. These were tons of fun, and of course the kiddos loved the presentations that had to do with food 🙂

Well, hopefully I will be checking in more regularly. Things are busy, but I love having this blog to keep all of my thoughts and ideas 🙂 Anything exciting happening in your classes? How do you teach biographies??